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Complaint form
At Legacy we strive to create happy homes. We can only do this when residents let us know when things aren't working.
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Is anyone in immediate danger?
If someone is in immediate danger you should contact the police on 111 immediately.
Are you happy to let us know who you are?
I don't feel comfortable sharing my identity
Tenant name
House street number
Room number
Cell Phone
Date of incident
Please describe the incident you would like to report
How would you like to see this incident resolved?
File Upload
Click or drag files to this area to upload.
You can upload up to 3 files.
Use this file upload to upload a photo or video. Uploading a photo or video helps validate your complaint and helps us deal with problems.
I agree
We take all complaints seriously and keep any information that you share on this form confidential to Legacy staff. If your complaint is serious we may need to contact the police or an emergency service and disclose personal information.